venerdì 29 gennaio 2010

Io Ubuntu, e TU?


lunedì 25 gennaio 2010

La potenza del Telerilevamento !

Recentemente sono stati effettuati dall' A.S.I. ( Agenzia Spaziale Italiana ) studi approfonditi sulla reale potenza del telerilevamento da satellite. I primi test sono stati effettuati su sensori ottici come GEO EYE, l'intento era quello di cercare con moderni sensori ottici di aumentare la risoluzione a 10m dal suolo .

Pochi giorni fa sono stati pubblicati i primi risultati, agli occhi degli esperti a dir poco impressionanti.
Ecco cosa è stato in grado di rilevare il satellite :

Ecco i commenti dei piu illustri esperti nel campo del terelivamento , che per ragioni di Privacy hanno preferito non essere citati .

Per fortuna che c’è ancora gente che ricorda ( e fa ricordare) quali sono le cose importanti della vita.

F.(Ingegnere aereospaziale)
qualcosa di strano?

no vivaddio, piuttosto un singulto di simpatia per chi, alla faccia del celodurismo, riconosce spontaneamente vocazioni e riconoscenza …………… che dio la benedoca…………..

L. (Ingegnere capodipartimento)
tu hai cancellato la “S” prima della parola?

venerdì 22 gennaio 2010

Non newtonian fluid

A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid whose flow properties are not described by a single constant value of viscosity. Many polymer solutions and molten polymers are non-Newtonian fluids, as are many commonly found substances such as ketchup, starch suspensions, paint, blood and shampoo. In a Newtonian fluid, the relation between the shear stress and the strain rate is linear (and if one were to plot this relationship, it would pass through the origin), the constant of proportionality being the coefficient of viscosity. In a non-Newtonian fluid, the relation between the shear stress and the strain rate is nonlinear, and can even be time-dependent. Therefore a constant coefficient of viscosity cannot be defined. A ratio between shear stress and rate of strain (or shear-dependent viscosity) can be defined, this concept being more useful for fluids without time-dependent behavior.

Although the concept of viscosity is commonly used to characterize a material, it can be inadequate to describe the mechanical behavior of a substance, particularly non-Newtonian fluids. They are best studied through several other rheological properties which relate the relations between the stress and strain rate tensors under many different flow conditions, such as oscillatory shear, or extensional flow which are measured using different devices or rheometers. The properties are better studied using tensor-valued constitutive equations, which are common in the field of continuum mechanics.

mercoledì 20 gennaio 2010

Ducati Physic Laboratory

Here some tricks in Doucati's physic laboratory.
Very nice ah ?

The Big Bang Theory

Hello guys ! What about THE BIG BANG THEORY ? all guys wich has a component of nerdness should know what is it... and if you don't know you are not allowed to visit this homemade blog.

today I would like to share with you some websites  where you can see for free 72 min. per day of films and in particular BBT soap :D



Fisica Bari.

Hello World!

Hy guys, this is the new Nerd-Phisic-Blog made by lots of " intresting people " , now If you are interested in you can apply to .

Have fun!